Living Happily

“Prioritize Homeschooling” – The Best Advice You Can Get

There is a lot of homeschooling advice out there.  Most of the advice boils down to one thing (and the rest of it benefits from this one thing):
Prioritize Homeschooling.


To prioritize homeschooling doesn’t just mean that you have to put homeschooling first  before other commitments (although that is an option), but also that you must prioritize WITHIN your homeschooling.

I have already written about why “life balance” is a complete sham. Do NOT buy into trying to “balance” everything. Do not drink that kool-aid.  I’m just going to come out and say it again (and again, and again): Balance is the road to overwhelm.  Instead…




If you want to make a big mark on your space, your schedule, your homeschool – in short, your life – this is the one piece of advice I would give you: Prioritize.

You have a limited amount of time.

You have a limited amount of space.

You have a limited amount of money.

You have a limited amount of energy (this is the one that is usually hardest for moms to accept).

Therefore, doing all the things, or having all the things IS NOT AN OPTION.Read More »“Prioritize Homeschooling” – The Best Advice You Can Get

Natural Remedies for Children – What I Use for My Own Children

Natural Remedies for Children I Always Have Around

People often ask me what I use for natural remedies for children.  I may be well-versed in natural wellness, and and highly motivated, but like any family, we do not have the perfect diet or lifestyle 100% of the time. Life happens. Even if we were 100% diligent, illness still happens. My kids get sick like everyone else’s.

Here, I share our go-to natural remedies for children… the stuff we always have on-hand this time of year.  Read More »Natural Remedies for Children – What I Use for My Own Children

Keep the House Clean – 3 Surprising Reasons Your Home is Still a Mess

3 Surprising Reasons for your Mess
and 3 Easy Ways to Remedy It

Have you ever wondered why your home doesn’t stay clean? Why no matter how long you spend tidying a space, your little army of clones manages to recreate a battle zone in 10 seconds? Exactly how is it people can KEEP the house clean???

Keeping the house clean is potentially a problem for 3 reasons that you probably have not considered yet… It’s time to finally reclaim your home.Read More »Keep the House Clean – 3 Surprising Reasons Your Home is Still a Mess

Delayed Food Allergies. Our Story.

delayed food allergies, food sensitivities, and food intoleranceAn intolerance to food, also called a food sensitivity can wreak havoc on the body.  These are delayed allergies to food, mediated by an IgG-type antibody.  These reactions may take hours, or even days to appear.  Unidentified, and untreated, in some cases, delayed food allergies have been shown to underlie chronic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, reflux, headaches and migraines, ADHD, schizphrenia, autism, obesity, insulin resistance, Type II diabetes, vascular disease, and psoriasis.  Read More »Delayed Food Allergies. Our Story.

Life balance is a sham – How to stop trying to please everyone


Warning: What follows is a stream-of-consciousness rant about life balance that is important for all moms.

I saw a friend a couple weeks ago.  And before I get too far, I want to say that she’s a quality gal.  I love talking with her, and we have a lot of common plights in business ownership, homeschooling, and life.  She’s no whiner.

When I saw her, she was dragging, so I asked how she was doing.  With a huge sigh, she says: “I just need balance.  I am really praying for balance.”

How many times have you heard people (usually women, and almost always moms) craving “balance?”

Everyone.  All the time.Read More »Life balance is a sham – How to stop trying to please everyone

That one time when your mother was right: A good night’s rest is really important

Newsflash:  Your mother was right.  You do need your sleep.  It turns out that chronic sleep deprivation is really bad.  And it’s not just because your mother or your grandmother said so.  In case you don’t believe them, take it from scientists.

In a recent study published in Molecular Neurobiology, Read More »That one time when your mother was right: A good night’s rest is really important

25 Good Health Natural Foods to Replace your Multi-Vitamin

Here are 25 basic good health natural foods to prioritize because they are the best sources of specific vitamins and minerals.

All foods potentially contain some vitamins and minerals, even if they are not considered one of the best sources. There are many other natural foods that are nutrient-dense. For this list, the criteria that I used are as follows:Read More »25 Good Health Natural Foods to Replace your Multi-Vitamin